Other AI tools
Here is a list of AI tools, for more detailed tutorial on selected AI tools, go to “AI tutorials” tab
General tools
Chatgpt , Bard are general AI, you can ask any type of questions , they rank high on knowledge retrieval and code generation. LLama is a great chatbot for text generation and knowledge retrieval , however, it’s not as great for code generation.
Chatgpt by OpenAI: https://chat.openai.com/
Great to be your personal assistant, brainstorming , general quick knowledge retrieval, language practice , code generation. The paid version costs , as of now, $20 dollars per month , but it is able to do image recognition, image generation with Dalle 3 which do not require advance prompt engineering. In the paid version ,there are tons of plugins such as wolfram alpha for math, scholar.ai for researching scientific papers and more.
Bard by google : https://bard.google.com/
Best Free AI tool, you can use it for itenerary planning with the export option to google docs, makes the perfect tool companion for your trip, it is able to take images as inputs and answer any questions you have regarding that.
Lamma-V2 by Meta: https://huggingface.co/spaces/ysharma/Explore_llamav2_with_TGI
The great thing about llama-v2 is that it is open source, which means , you can download it and use it offline , no need to put your information on the internet, this is a great tool mostly for business owners to create chatbots for their companies. For a simple test you can use the links above. If you want to download , please see how on the AI tutorial section.
Image Generation
Free options
- https://www.bing.com/create - This is Dalle-3 and it is free through microsoft bing chat. Great tool without the need for elaborate prompt engineering
- https://www.craiyon.com/
- https://freeimagegenerator.com/
Paid options
https://discord.com/invite/midjourney - Midjourney , for this you must sign up, and pay a subscription, additionally, it is through a bot on discord and requires elaborate prompt engineering for realistic shots. But it is one of the greatest models for realistic images ## Create your own AI/ML model {-}
Teachable Machine https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/